At the beginning of most worthwhile video games something happens to inspire our heroes to go on a mission. (I say most because I firmly believe Tetris is a game above all others, and Scribblenauts* is a frightening amount of fun, too.) They may not say it aloud, but from then on the goal is to "Kill the bad guy" or "Save the kingdom." We take on the roles of these heroes for many reasons, but I know that I have never been really comfortable with myself unless I have a grand goal; playing video games has probably not helped me accept that I have no mortal enemy or archnemisis. And I know that there are other nerds like me out there who feel the same way.
I wouldn't say I have a firmly thought out mission statement for this site, but I do have a goal. I want to challenge myself to address the nerdiness of my life and to channel it where it could possibly entertain someone. So stick around, I'll try to stay shiny.
*If you've never played Scribblenauts, I think you should. You have to ability to create just about anything you can think of to help finish the missions: plaid zombies, giant robots, peaceful demons, anything. It's a fascinating and fully engaging type of world building.
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